Jain Communication's Works

05+ years of experience in activating brands & creating memorable experiences for consumers. Recognized for best work in Rural, Retail, Activation, Govt. & Social. 20+ diverse leading clients.

Assist Brands/Clients in accessing new markets. Influence consumers band preference at different touch points along the path to purchase. Constantly explore new platforms for brand activations. Provide cost-effective solutions to clients to achieve the desired results.

Traversed more than 50k Villages & small towns across the country.
Van Campaign.
Conceptualized more than 1000 Mela Projects across India.
We draw from this enormous data bank of knowledge & experience, the caliber to carry out pan India projects effciently & effectively.

Strong team of multilingual & widely travelled manpower.
Resident operations managers across 2 regions.
production hubs in 3 cities.
wholly owned strong fleet of vans.
This gives us the operational muscle to execute pan India projects at an unmatched scale & pace.